02 4225 2188

Bridal Fashion Showings

Bridal Fashion Showings

My trip has come to an end. I have had the most amazing experience. I had the pleasure of meeting the designers, seeing their collections first hand. I've had so many compliments from the designers and sales staff, the most flattering was how they said they could see my passion for bridal. They told me that they could tell I have bridal seamstress experience from the way I selected the gowns, and I was absolutely taken aback to hear that from them. 
I feel like I have so much more knowledge about the collections from meeting the designers and staff. My tour of Atelier Aimee was incredible. You can really appreciate her collection by looking at the design house and seeing the hand beaded tulle, fabric, laces, and designs, are beyond any I have ever seen. 
Before I left Australia, everybody told me how tired I was going to be as it was such a long way for a 5 day trip. I can say though, that each day I woke up knowing what I had to see and who I had to meet that. There was so much excitement and adrenalin that I didn't feel tired at all. So incredibly passionate for what I experienced in 5 days, I can't wait to bring it all back to Accapella. 
